Learning about grassroots and indigenous leaders around the world, who are building a healthier future through sustainable and earth-centered living, must find its way into school curricula and into teenagers’ lives.
Our EarthCare visits and proposed interactive, curriculum-friendly web site and teacher workshops can help in this education imperative.
Global Ecology Education Initiative
"Young people in schools need to see,
experience and identify
with peoples around
the world dedcated
to a healthy ecology, a healthy future...."
Taylor Barrow,
community organizer who has worked in the GEEI
EarthCare program
All Videos
see Doug's brief video below:
When you make your tax-deductible contribution through the UMass/Boston link below, be sure when you are on the site to check off the “other” box and then type in” for the Global Ecology Education Initiative of the School for Environment.” And a bit below that, under “additional comments and special considerations,” check that box as well and again state: “this contribution is exclusively for the Global Ecology Education Initiative as directed by Professor Douglas Zook at the School for the Environment.” Then you can continue to follow the directions for payment. Thank you!
Any contributions at the $300 level or above will receive a copy of my new book “Earth Gazes Back,” (http://www.douglaszookphotography.com ) featuring unique and fascinating images of reflections. While this is not stated on the UMass/Boston site, I will receive notice of such donors from that office and fulfill this thank you gift as well as personally thank all other donors as well.
Contribute by clicking on this link to UMass/Boston: https://securelb.imodules.com/s/1355/boston/giving/17/form.aspx?sid=1355&gid=3&pgid=5411&cid=13247
Contributions can also be made via check made out to UMass/Boston and clearly stated in the memo section of your check as well as in an accompanying note that the check contribution is directly for the Global Ecology Education Initiative, D. Zook Director, School for the Environment. It should be sent to me at Prof. Douglas Zook, UMass/Boston, School for the Environment, Global Ecology Education Initiative, 100 Morrissey Blvd. Boston, MA 02125. THANK YOU FOR BEING AN EARTH CARE GIVER!
Goal: $10K by December 30, 2018